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 The Eco-Committee is a group of young people who, with the support of an adult Eco-Coordinator, take responsibility for delivering the Eco-Schools programme in making our school more environmentally friendly.  
The Eco-Warriors are like a 'green' version of our school council. 


Qualities of an Eco Warrior. 
  • To have a passion for our world and enthusiasm for promoting an environmentally friendly school community. 

  • Eager to learn about how we can tackle environmental problems and find ways to protect it and us from the effects of climate change.   

  • Independent to get on with jobs. 

  • Sharing ideas and gathering information.  

  • To be resilient, supportive and kind in our campaign when faced with challenges and to help others become eco warriors too.  

  • Be brave to speak to a wider audience and ask relevant questions. 

What We Do 
We represent All Saints Church School by: 
  • Work towards a Green Flag Award by promoting our three targeted areas across the school.  

        Waste, litter and Healthy living were the focus for 2022/23 

  • Check that the school is saving energy as much as possible – Turn off lights, screens, water taps.  

  • Meet regularly to discuss ideas and plans and organise campaigns. 

  • Carryout regular litter picks with other committee members and children through the school.  

  • Check and help empty the food and waste bins.  


Some of the events we have been involved in this year are;  
  • Whole school potato growing competition 

  • Whole school waste free Wednesdays. 

  • Regular litter picking 

Our Breaktimes & Lunchtime Duties 


We are available…. 

  • Update the display board and add notices and minutes from our meetings.  

  • Create and deliver information about events to classes.  

  • Make posters and write letters to companies.  

“I enjoyed growing potatoes and learning how to care for the plants” Joseph Class 5 
“I have enjoyed telling the school about what we do and how everyone can help. I loved doing assemblies and making posters” Amelie Class 5 
“We are gradually making a difference to help our wildlife and our school community.” Alfie Class 6  
We feel really proud that our school got the Green Flag award and we’re an Eco School.
Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.” Mark 9:23