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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in 2011/12. The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. It provides additional funding for pupils who are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible in the past 6 years to help schools ‘close the gap’ between children who are vulnerable to underachievement and all other children at the school. 

Pupil premium is allocated to schools for pupils who are either:

  • eligible for free school meals at any time in the last 6 years
  • children in care
  • children of armed service personnel

Parents and carers can help our school to claim all the money we are entitled to by making sure that if your child is eligible for free school meals, you register them with us (even if they do not want to order the lunches because they prefer a packed lunch). In Key Stage 1, all children are entitled to a free school meal.  

Schools have freedom to spend this money in any way they choose to raise the attainment and meet the emotional and social needs of these pupils. There is a requirement for schools to publish online information about how this sum of money was spent and how it impacted on attainment during the last academic year, and how the money will be spent over the current academic year.

We have included a strategy statement regarding our pupil premium income  showing how it is calculated and distributed.

This document ensures that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the premium and how we have used the premium to support this group of pupils.

The impact on attainment is monitored by Teachers and the Headteacher. Reports are made to the Governing Body. Alongside this the School Finance Manager completes a full audit of accounts to show how the money has been spent.


Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”